Translation of "took their time" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
They took their time. | ها هما لقد أخذوا وقتهم |
You took your time. | لقد تأخرتما |
Took a long time. | استغرق وقتا طويلا. |
This took a long time | هذا أستغرق وقتا طويلا |
You sure took your time. | .حقا لقد إستغرق منك ذلك الكثير |
This time I took it. | سأتقبل الأمر هذة المرة |
Now duchess. took his time. | والآن جاءت الدوقة لقد أخذت وقتك |
It took a long time! | لقد إستغرق الوقت طويل ا |
Nature took care of this one at the beginning of time cows make milk for their babies and for their babies alone. | الطبيعة عالجت هذا الأمر منذ بداية التاريخ البقرات تصنع الحليب من أجل أطفالها وفقط من اجل أطفالها. |
So that took a lot of time. | وقد تطلب ذلك وقتا طويلا |
I took on a part time job. | لقد عملت في وظيفة بدوام جزئي |
Many of the parents took time out to try to understand the new math by attending their children's classes. | وقد استغرق بعض الآباء الوقت لمحاولة فهم الرياضيات الحديثة عن طريق حضور حصص أبنائهم. |
I took their wives too. | لقد أخذت زوجاتهم أيضا |
I took only their topknots, not their lives. | لم أخذ سوى خصل شعرهم وليس حياتهم |
The helicopter then took off a second time. | ثم أقلعت هذه الهليكوبتر ثانية. |
These paintings took a long time to make. | هذه اللوحات كانت تأخذ الكثير من الوقت لرسمها |
Over the amount of time it took him. | على المده من الزمن التي إحتاجها لكي يقطع تلك المسافه |
Oh, I'm so sorry we took your time. | أنا آسفة لأننا أخذنا وقتك. |
Thought you was a man took his time. | ظننتك رجلا يأخذ وقته |
Joshua took all these kings and their land at one time, because Yahweh, the God of Israel, fought for Israel. | واخذ يشوع جميع اولئك الملوك وارضهم دفعة واحدة لان الرب اله اسرائيل حارب عن اسرائيل |
The bastards even took their cigarettes. | اللقطاء أخذوا حتى سجائرهم. ماذا كانوا يأكلون |
(I should have took the time to tell you) | (كان علي اخذ الوقت لاقول لك) |
My friend took a long time to persuade her. | وقد استغرق صديقى وقتا طويلا لأقناعها |
It took me rather a long time to dress. | لقد أخذت وقتا طويلا فى اللبس |
It took us some time to find it out. | لقد أستغرقنا بعض الوقت للبحث عنها |
The second news was that I was the only person in this FDA protocol who always took their medication on time. | أما الخبر الثاني فهو أنني كنت الشخص الوحيد في اختبار إدارة الأغذية والعقاقير الذي ثابر على أخذ الدواء بموعده. |
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them | اما الجاهلات فاخذن مصابيحهن ولم ياخذن معهن زيتا. |
I took my son, Dax, who was 16 at the time, and I took him to Pakistan. | أخذت إبني داكس والذي كان يبلغ من العمر حينها 16 عاما أخذته الى باكستان |
A short time later, the helicopter took off heading north. | وبعد ذلك بوقت قصير، أقلعت الطائرة العمودية في اتجاه الشمال. |
It took me some time to come to my senses. | احتجت الى بعض الوقت لاعود الى رشدي |
You sure took a long enough time about wearing it. | إستغرقت وقتا طويلا حتى ترتديها |
Within seven minutes of the time the murder took place. | وكان هذا فى نفس وقت حدوث الجريمة |
I took my time. I didn't want to be early. | لــقد أخـذت وقـتي لـم أشىء أن اكـون مبكره |
Sami and Layla took their shahada together. | نطقا سامي و ليلى بالش هادة معا. |
We just took their rice last fall. | لقد حصلنا على جميع أرزهم الخريف الماضي |
The pirates know you took their prisoner. | القراصنة عرفوا أنكم قد أخذتم س جينهم |
and all their wealth. They took captive all their little ones and their wives, and took as plunder everything that was in the house. | وسبوا ونهبوا كل ثروتهم وكل اطفالهم ونساءهم وكل ما في البيوت |
Those who were foolish, when they took their lamps, took no oil with them, | اما الجاهلات فاخذن مصابيحهن ولم ياخذن معهن زيتا. |
but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. | واما الحكيمات فاخذن زيتا في آنيتهن مع مصابيحهن. |
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. | واما الحكيمات فاخذن زيتا في آنيتهن مع مصابيحهن. |
Lastly, while acknowledging that cultural change took time, she stressed that time alone was not sufficient. | 30 واختتمت كلامها قائلة إنها بينما تقر بأن التغييرات الثقافية تستغرق وقتا، فإنها تؤكد على أن الوقت وحده لا يكفي. |
He went, with others, to the National Police of the locality to ask for help the police took their time dealing with coming. | وقد توجه خوسيه لطلب النجدة مع أشخاص آخرين من الشرطة الوطنية التابعة للبلدة التي تلكأ أفرادها في معالجة الحالة. |
How could this be? As the economic historian Alexander Field has shown, many firms took the down time created by weak demand for their products to reorganize their operations. | ولكن كيف يتسنى مثل هذا الأمر كما شرح لنا المؤرخ الاقتصادي ألكسندر فيلد، استغلت العديد من الشركات فترة الركود الناجمة عن الطلب الضعيف على منتجاتها لإعادة تنظيم عملياتها. |
I took it out for the first time to come here. | أقدمها لكم لأول مرة هنا |
It is time that Israel took its boot off Gaza s windpipe. | ولقد حان الوقت الآن لكي ترفع إسرائيل قبضتها الغاشمة التي تخنق بها غزة. |
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