Translation of "i were told" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I was told you were dead. | قيل لي بأنك لقيت حتفك |
I told you we were closed. | لقد قلت أننا قد أغلقنا |
I told you, you were fired. | لقد قلت إنك مطرودة |
I knew you were trouble. I told Joe... | كنت أعرف أنك ستسبب المشاكل، أخبرت (جو)... |
I told you the lions were dangerous! | ! قلت لك إن الأسود خطيرة |
I told you you were too soft. | قلت لك أنك رقيق للغاية |
Now, honey, I told you... and told you we were playing Jack's beer. | يا عزيزتي ... أخبرتك أننا كنا نلعب الورق |
I told you, you were going to fall. | لقد قلت لك بأنك ستسقطين |
I told you you were wasting your time. | أخبرتك أنك كنت تهدر وقتك |
We were coming right back, I told you. | كنا سنعود، أخبرتك |
I was told you were utterly no good. | أخبروني أن ك لست جي دا على الإطلاق. |
Such were Master Bennosuke's words, I was told. | تلك كانت كلمات المعل م بنوسكى كما قالها لى |
I guess I had been told you were a widow. | أعتقد أنه قيل لى أنك أرملة |
I would've told them where you were. I tried to. | لم اكن لاخبرهم من انا ولا اين انتم |
When I told them, they were shocked, worried, scared. | عندما أخبرتهم، كانوا مصدومين وخائفين وقلقين. |
I told him you were one of the best. | قلت له أنك أنت الافضل |
Remember I told you we were going to Paris? | تذكرين اني قلت لك اننا ذاهبون الى باريس |
Because I told her how nice you were, and I liked you. | لأخبرها كم لطيفة أنت وأني أستلطفك |
You were the one who told me I was uneducated! | قائلة بأني أخلو من الأخلاق |
I told them you were busy but they wouldn't wait. | اخبرتهم انك مشغول و لكنهم لا يريدون الأنتظار |
I told you they were a perfectly nice married couple. | لقد أخبرتك انهم زوجين مثاليين لطفاء |
But I was told there were only two men there. | لكنهم قالوا لي أنه كان هناك فقط رجلان |
Hinkel told me you were resigning. I don't believe her. | هينكل اخبرتنى انك تستقيل انا لا اصدقها |
He told me you were dangerous, but I wouldn't listen. | لقد أخبرني أنك خطير، لكنني لم أنصت له |
I told you they were home. Now, watch your manners. | قلت لك أنهم موجودن, الآن إنتبه لما تقول |
I was expecting you. He told me you were coming. | كنت أتوقع قدومك لقد أخبرني بأنك قد أتيت |
Look, I told you we were friends. We'll find them. | إسمع , أخبرتك أننا أصدقاء سنجدهم |
I told you that you were a recorder and an interpreter. | لقد قلت م سجل |
I ran into Eve and she told me you were dressing. | جريت إلى إيف وقالت لي أنك كنتي ترتدين ملابسك. |
I could have told you much easier when you were older. | كان من الأسهل أن أخبرك عندما تكبر |
Hi, honey. I thought you told me you were going to | اهلا يا حبيبتى, لقد اعتقدت انك اخبرتنى انك ستذهبين الى |
The hunting trip I was told you were on all week. | من أين رحلة الصيد التي قيل لي وجودك بها طوال الأسبوع |
Then I told you to stop, but you were too greedy. | وقلت لك حينها توقف لكنك كنت طماع جدا |
We were told, Gatewood. | تم إبلاغنـا بذلك، يـا (غايتوود) |
I told you, Drusus. I told you. | لقد أخبرتك دروسيس , أخبرتك |
My friends were happy for me when I told them about it. | فرحوا أصدقائي كثيرا عندما أخبرتهم بالأمر. |
I told them that they were on the wrong side of history. | أخبرتهم أنهم سيكونون المذنبين في التاريخ |
Your friend told me you were home, but I didn't expect you | أخبرنى صديقك أنك عدت, و لكنى لم أتوقع مجيئك |
She knows we were out, but I haven't told her a thing. | ، لقد ع ر فت أننا كنا بالخارج لكني لم أخبرها بشيء |
You yourself told me that Paul and I were engaged years ago. | قلت أنني و (بول) قد تمت خطبتنا من قبل |
We were given our soup and I still hadn't told him anything. | قدم لنا الحساء ولم أخبره أي شيء بعد. |
I told you I know you told me. | هى إبلاغ الشرطة لقد أخبرتك أعلم أنك أخبرتنى |
I talked to him. I told him that we were in no shape for combat. | انا تحدثت اليه قلت له اننا لسنا فى الفورمه لندخل فى معركه |
I told Eddie Mars I was coming up to see him. When I arrived, you were there. | لقد أخبرت (إدي مارس) أني ذهبت لرؤيته ووجدتك هناك. |
Just as we were told. | تماما كما قيل لنا |
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