Translation of "they were told" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
They were told they were going to take baths. | فيقال لهم بإنهم سيذهبون للاستحمام |
They told me you were wounded. | أخبروني بأنـك أصبت |
Someone told me they were yours. | أخبرني أحدهم أنها لك |
They told me you were dead. | أخبرونى أنك مت |
They told me you were dead! | الى اين اذهب |
They told me you were dead. | كنت على حق تماما |
They were allegedly neither told to stop nor that they were under arrest. | واد عى أنهم لم يؤم روا بالتوقف أو ي بل غوا أنهم قيد إلقاء القبض عليهم. |
When I told them, they were shocked, worried, scared. | عندما أخبرتهم، كانوا مصدومين وخائفين وقلقين. |
They told me you were a good friend. Wait! | لقد أخبرونى أنك كنت صديقآ وفيآ . |
Susan told me that they were having a party. | (سوزان) أخبرتني بأنهم سيقيمون حفلة |
D level students, gave them A's, told them they were A's, told them they were bright, and at the end of this three month period, they were performing at A level. | و أعطي طلاب الجيم ألفا وقالوا لهم بأنهم أذكياء وفي نهاية الثلاثة أشهر |
The dial, they were told, after each question, they were to turn the dial one notch. | وقد قيل لهم عقب كل سؤال أن ي ديروا المؤشر درجة واحدة. |
I told them you were busy but they wouldn't wait. | اخبرتهم انك مشغول و لكنهم لا يريدون الأنتظار |
I told you they were a perfectly nice married couple. | لقد أخبرتك انهم زوجين مثاليين لطفاء |
I told you they were home. Now, watch your manners. | قلت لك أنهم موجودن, الآن إنتبه لما تقول |
The corporate media were told by locals that they were not welcome and they were ordered to leave the area. | أخبر الأهالي شركات الإعلام الخاص بأنه غير م رحب بهم و أ مروا بترك المنطقة. |
And in Thamood . They were told , Enjoy yourselves for a while . | ( وفي ) إهلاك ( ثمود ) آية ( إذ قيل لهم ) بعد عقر الناقة ( تمتعوا حتى حين ) إلى انقضاء آجالكم كما في آية تمتعوا في داركم ثلاثة أيام . |
And in Thamud , when they were told , Enjoy for a while . | ( وفي ) إهلاك ( ثمود ) آية ( إذ قيل لهم ) بعد عقر الناقة ( تمتعوا حتى حين ) إلى انقضاء آجالكم كما في آية تمتعوا في داركم ثلاثة أيام . |
And in Thamood . They were told , Enjoy yourselves for a while . | وفي شأن ثمود وإهلاكهم آيات وعبر ، إذ قيل لهم انتفعوا بحياتكم حتى تنتهي آجالكم . فعصوا أمر ربهم ، فأخذتهم صاعقة العذاب ، وهم ينظرون إلى عقوبتهم بأعينهم . |
And in Thamud , when they were told , Enjoy for a while . | وفي شأن ثمود وإهلاكهم آيات وعبر ، إذ قيل لهم انتفعوا بحياتكم حتى تنتهي آجالكم . فعصوا أمر ربهم ، فأخذتهم صاعقة العذاب ، وهم ينظرون إلى عقوبتهم بأعينهم . |
They told them that their teeth were going to fall out. | وتم اخبارهم ان اسنانهم سوف تسقط لا محالة |
Say, they told me you were stupid. You don't sound stupid. | توقفي، أخبروني أنك غبية لا تبدين غبية تماما |
Not until they were told it contained a secret ingredient TR2748. | لم يحدث الا بعد كتابة ان به تركيبة سرية رقمها ت ر 2748 |
Yet Dent told me they were worthless chunks of iron ore. | رغم ذلك الأستاذ دينت أخبرنى أنهم كانوا قطع بوكسيت عديمة القيمة |
They told me they were proud and willing to give everything for my safety. | لكنهم واسوني بقولهم أن كل شئ على ما يرام، وأخبروني أنهم يشعرون بالفخر وأنهم على استعداد للتضحية بكل شئ من أجل سلامتي. |
They said they were told to give your business card and take whatever toy they wanted. | إنهم على ما يبدو قاموا فقط بإعطائهم كارت عملك ثم غادروا مع الألعاب |
When they were told , There is no deity but God , they turned away with disdain , | إنهم أي هؤلاء بقرينة ما بعده كانوا إذا قيل لهم لا إله إلا الله يستكبرون . |
When they were told , There is no deity but God , they turned away with disdain , | إن أولئك المشركين كانوا في الدنيا إذا قيل لهم لا إله إلا الله ، ودعوا إليها ، وأ مروا بترك ما ينافيها ، يستكبرون عنها وعلى من جاء بها . |
I told them that they were on the wrong side of history. | أخبرتهم أنهم سيكونون المذنبين في التاريخ |
Once upon a time, one day, the youth were told that they were living as cowards. | كان وياما كان في يوم من الأيام شباب اتقال عليه انو كان عايش جبان |
They even put a recipe up on the wall, until they were told this was illegal. | وقاموا أيضا بوضع وصفة للطهي على الحائط إلى ان تم اعلامهم ان ذلك غير قانوني |
They even put a recipe up on the wall, until they were told it was illegal. | وقاموا أيضا بوضع وصفة للطهي على الحائط إلى ان تم اعلامهم ان ذلك غير قانوني وهم اكتفوا بذلك |
Something that they were told for such a long time that their South Korean counterparts were in much worse off conditions than they were. | أ شيع لفترة طويلة للشعب أن نظائرهم في كوريا الجنوبية يعيشون في ظروف أسوء من ظروفهم . |
Taste it , ( they will be told ) . You were indeed the mighty and noble ! | ويقال له ذق أي العذاب إنك أنت العزيز الكريم بزعمك وقولك ما بين جبليها أعز وأكرم مني . |
and they will be told , This is what you were wont to belie . | ثم يقال لهم هذا أي العذاب الذي كنتم به تكذبون . |
Taste it , ( they will be told ) . You were indeed the mighty and noble ! | يقال لهذا الأثيم الشقي ذق هذا العذاب الذي تعذ ب به اليوم ، إنك أنت العزيز في قومك ، الكريم عليهم . وفي هذا تهكم به وتوبيخ له . |
I told them that this thing that they were prosecuting wasn't a crime. | أخبرتهم أن ما يقاضون لأجله لم يكن جريمة |
Everything that they were told is turning out not to be so true. | كل شيء أخبرونا به اتضح أنه غير حقيقي. |
I went by your house. They told me you were here working late. | لقد مررت على منزلك ,فاخبرونى انك ستعمل هنا حتى وقت متأخر |
And the serjeants told these words unto the magistrates and they feared, when they heard that they were Romans. | فاخبر الجلادون الولاة بهذا الكلام فاختشوا لما سمعوا انهما رومانيان . |
After to say they were leaving the square as they told them, they received a stroke behind the shoulder. | الشرطة تضرب بعض الاشخاص على الرغم من انهم قالوا بأنهم سيخلوا الساحة حسب الاوامر |
He told her what they looked like when they were flowers he told her how to plant them, and watch them, and feed and water them. | قال لها ما يشبه عندما كانوا الزهور أخبرها كيفية زراعة لهم ، ومشاهدتها ، والأعلاف والمياه لهم. |
They told Malcolm they were now a part of the Nation of Islam, followers of the honorable | أخبروا مالكوم أنهم الآن أصبحوا جزء من أمة الإسلام، تابعون للشريف |
We were told, Gatewood. | تم إبلاغنـا بذلك، يـا (غايتوود) |
The rescued kids told police that under the supervision of Adamya they were better. | أخبر الأطفال الشرطة بأنهم كانوا أحسن حالا تحت رعاية أداميا. |
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