Translation of "in his whole" to Arabic language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
His whole mood ... | تغير مزاجه وأصبح سعيدا ، |
He has worked in France his whole life. | اشتغل في فرنسا طوال حياته. |
His deciding may mean his whole life. | ان قراره قد يعني مجمل حياته |
In his whole life, Patrick's never had a conversation. | في حياته كلها، باتريك لم يخض محادثة اطلاق أ. |
Some disease in Africa had pockmarked his whole face. | ثم ة مرض في أفريقيا عل م على معظم وجهه. |
He's washing his whole body! | انه ينظف جسده كله |
Ruin his whole life's work. | و تدمر كل مهنة عمرة |
In his eyes, each individual man is the whole world. | فى نظره كل فرد هو العالم كله |
Sami did that his whole life. | قام سامي بذلك طوال حياته. |
The whole city calls his name. | أتسمعين يا ممنت المدينة بأكملها تنادي إسمه |
He poured his whole heart into that song of his. | كان يغني تلك الأغنية |
After his divorce with Layla, Sami's whole life was in shambles. | بعد طلاقه من ليلى، اصبحت حياة سامي فوضى. |
Sami has never seen anything like that in his whole life. | لم يسبق لسامي و أن رأى شيئا مماثلا في حياته. |
He spent his whole life pretty far out in the country. | قضى حياته كلها بعيدا في الريف |
He devoted his whole life to science. | كر س حياته كل ها للعلم. |
Sami sacrificed his whole life for Layla. | كر س سامي حياته كل ها من أجل ليلى. |
Sami sacrificed his whole life for Layla. | ضح ى سامي بحياته كل ها من أجل ليلى. |
We rescued him and his whole family , | اذكر إذ نجيناه وأهله أجمعين . |
We rescued him and his whole family , | وإن عبدنا لوط ا اصطفيناه ، فجعلناه من المرسلين ، إذ نجيناه وأهله أجمعين من العذاب ، إلا عجوز ا ه ر مة ، هي زوجته ، هلكت مع الذين هلكوا من قومها لكفرها . |
George Custer was killed. His whole command. | ، جورج كستر قد قتل و جميع من هم تحت قيادته |
The whole time I saw his eyes. | كنت طول الوقت أنظر إلى عينه. |
He burned Rome and killed his whole family... even his mother. | أحرق روما و قتل كل عائلته... حتى أمه. |
This whole thing was his idea to save his own skin. | هذا الامر بأكمله كان فكرته من اجل ان ينقذ نفسه. |
In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. | انها في عينيه والخسوف هو الغالب كله من جنسها. |
In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. | انها في عينيه والكسوف هو الغالب على جنسها كله. |
He was prouder of that than anything else in his whole life. | كان فخورا به اكثر من أي شيء فى حياته كلها |
Sami had his whole life ahead of him. | كان سامي لا يزال في مقتبل عمره. |
So We saved him and his whole family | فنجيناه وأهله أجمعين . |
So We saved him and his whole family | فنجيناه وأهل بيته والمستجيبين لدعوته أجمعين إلا عجوز ا من أهله ، وهي امرأته ، لم تشاركهم في الإيمان ، فكانت من الباقين في العذاب والهلاك . |
And he brought his whole team with him. | و احضر فريقه كله معه |
And his whole work process changed after that. | وقد تغيرت كل عمليته بعد ذلك. |
Sioux jumped Custer, wiped out his whole command. | قبائل سيو هاجمت كاستر وقضت على جيشه بالكامل |
No, Moses. We cannot see his whole purpose. | كلا يا موسى لا يمكننا جميعا أن نبصر حكمة مشيئته |
His whole career's been built on one idea | فإن كيانه الوظيفي مبنى على فكرة واحدة |
His whole dream, to go to America. Imagine. | ان حلمه الأكبر هو أن يذهب الى أميركا تخي لي |
Rejoicing in his whole world. My delight was with the sons of men. | فرحة في مسكونة ارضه ولذ اتي مع بني آدم |
loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our | يكره كل شكل من أشكال المجتمع مع نظيره الروح البوهيمي كله ، لا تزال في منطقتنا |
loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our | بقي مكروها كل شكل من أشكال المجتمع مع روحه البوهيمي كله ، من خلال موقعنا |
In one bundle, his whole family out we will expel them from ourselves | فى حزمة واحدة ، سنقوم بطرد كل عائلته منا |
But unfortunately for him, his good friend Horatio Nelson destroyed his whole fleet in the Battle of the Nile. | ولكن لسوء حظه ، صديقه الحميم هوراشيو نيلسون دم ر أسطوله بكامله في معركة النيل |
Oh, this must have soaked his whole entire being. | أوه، وهذا يجب أن يكون غارقة له يجري كل أسرة. |
Snappy uniform, a whole ribbon counter on his chest. | يرتدى ملابس رسمية,و الشرائط تملأ صدره |
You know, his whole life has been fighting. He... | فهو مختلف هناك أنت تعلم لقد كان يقاتل طوال حياته و هو |
You can't expect him to change his whole life. | لا يمكنك أن تتوقعى أن يغير حياته. |
He had to sign his whole name, Martin Pawley. | لقد وقع باسمه كاملا |
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