Translation of "really get it" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I don't really get it. | أنا حقا لم أفهم شيء |
Did you really get it? Did I get what? | هل حصلت عليه حقا |
Does it ever get really bad? | هل هو يحصل دائما على سيئ جدا |
I'm really going to do it. Get down. | سأفعل ذلك حقا انزلي |
But when they really get pushy, people really get pushy, | لكن عندما يكون بعض الأشخاص ملح ين جد ا، |
You get this really huge power out of it. | تمتلك هذه القوة الخارقة منها. |
But it isn't really out there to get you. | لكن ليس هناك من يهزمك. |
It seems she's really dying to get into acting. | يبــدو بأنهـا حقــا تريد أن تصبـح ممثلـه |
Really? What did he say? Did you get it? | استعمله لانشاء مجموعة داي هان |
It would be really nice to get married here. | سيكون من الجي د أن أتزوج هنا |
They don't want us to multiply it out and get some really really large number. | وغير مطلوب منا ان نضرب ونحصل على عدد كبير جدا جدا |
To really understand it, you've got to say, Oh, I get it. | ولكي نفهم حقا ، عليك أن تقول أوه ، الآن فهمت |
It did not really get across, but I will try it again. | لم ت فه م فهما تاما حقا، ولكنني سأحاول حكايتها مرة أخرى. |
We're really dependent on all this food that we get and we're really thankful for it. | إننا نعتمد فعلي ا على كل هذه المواد الغذائية التي نحصل عليها وإننا شاكرين لذلك بالفعل. |
I really didn't want to get it back, but I got it back. | لكن أستعدتها |
She has been saying strange things. I really don't get it. | تقول غرائب، لا أستطيع أن أفهم. |
It's really important to get those images and to show it. | ومن المهم جدا نشر هذه الصور وعرضها على كل الجبهات |
It's going to get really close, but no, I touched it. | ستكون قريب جدا ، لكن لا، لقد لامستها |
Where did you get these? It went out of business? Really? | من اين حصلتم على هذا |
Potato chips, champagne. You really think you can get it open? | شيبس البطاطس ، الشامبانيا هل أنت متأكد أنك تستطيع فتحها |
SW Yeah. She would get really, really excited. | ستيفاني نعم. هي تصبح متحمسة، أكثر و أكثر. |
So, I started to really get really paranoid. | مما أدرى إلى إصابتي بقلق شديد |
And so it was really sort of like, you know, flattery really does get you everywhere, so.... | فكان وكأن ك تقول، التمل ق يساعدك في الصعود لمراكز أعلى |
Now just to get really deep in, you can really get to the cracks. | الآن وفقط للذهاب عميقا، يمكن فعلا الوصول إلى الشقوق. |
And it takes a little bit of practice to really get used to it. | وهذا يحتاج الى بعض الممارسة كي تعتادون عليه حقا |
In our country, it's the kids that need it the most, who get this really, really lousy food. | في بلادنا الأطفال هم من يحتاجون كثيرا الذين يحصلون على هذا الطعام السئ جدا جدا . |
It really is so nice to get a nod from blog readers. | انه لطيف بالفعل أن تحصل على ايماءة من قراء المدونة. |
AO I should really get Derek's manager to come and play it. | أدم ينبغي علي أن أطلب من مدير أعمال د ير يك عزفها. |
If I were a guy, I'd probably get really tired of it. | لو كنت فتى, فإنني حقا سأشعر بالضيق من هذا |
It was a really big excitement for me to get into Caltech. | وقد كنت متحمسا جدا لقبولي في كالتك |
OK, I kind of get that, but is it really that important? | أفهم هذا، ولكن أهذا الشيء مهم حقا |
At least it proves something. You really can get out of here. | على الأقل هذا يثبت شيئآ انك بالفعل يمكنك الخروج من هنا |
He wants to see to it that you get something really worthwhile. | أراد التأكــد من حصـولك على شئ نافـع حقـا |
You really think they won't get away with it in the end? | هل تظن حقا أنهم لن يفروا من العقوبة بالنهاية |
Despair that comes with feeling that your life really didn't turned out the way you wanted it, that it wasn't really ... you didn't get what you wanted to get done | اليأس الذي يصاحب الشعور بأن الشخص لم يتمكن من بلوغ مساعيه |
Did you really get hurt? | أنتي حقا م صابة |
You get really touchy feely. | أنتى فعلا حساسة جدا |
Did I really get him? | هل حقا تغلبت عليه |
I really should get home. | حقا يجب أن أعود للبيت |
It has to be so much a part of them that they really get it. | يجب أن تكون بعيدة كل البعد عنهم أنهم حقا استوعبوا |
It does seem really hard to get consumers to do the right thing. | قد يبدو لكم أنه من الصعب اقناع المستهلك بأن يفعل الشيء الصحيح. |
When we don't quite predict something perfectly, we get really excited about it. | ذلك حينما لا نتنبئ تماما بشيء ما بشكل تام, نتحمس بخصوصه بحق. |
I mean, it is really very, very scary the abuse that dogs get. | أعني، أنها حقا معاملة مخيفة جدا جدا ينالها الكلب. |
I'm asking because I really don't get it from a common sense standpoint. | لكن اسأل لانني لا افهم منطقكم |
Once they start to get really, really complicated, because then it is a pain to draw all of the H's. | بمجرد ما تبدأ أن تصبح معقدة جدا لأنه من المزعج رسم كل ال H الهيدروجين |
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