Translation of "played with" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
I played with Ho Geol... | لعبت مع هو جول |
And I played with her, too. | وأنا متسابق معها كذلك |
I ain't played with them since... | أنا لم العب معهم منذ مدة |
We played with life and lost. | لعبنا مع الحياة وخسرنا |
Well, I played it with Charlie. | .حسنا, لقد لعبتها مع تشارلي |
I played with it in the evening. | ولعبت به في المساء. |
I've played a little game with myself. | لقد لعبت مع نفسى لعبة صغيرة |
Never played with one in my life. | لم ألهو بها مرة ، في حياتي |
Sami never played soccer with his Muslim classmates. | لم يلعب سامي كرة القدم أبدا مع زملائه المسلمين. |
And played around with this a little bit. | ولعبت بهذا بعض الشيء |
But I played golf with her last week. | لا تزال تلبس |
You mean you played with such dirty hands? | تعنى بأنك لعبت بهذه الأيدى القذرة |
At least I played it with both hands. | عزفت باليدين على الأقل. |
And you played with them for a few hours. | ولعبت معهم لبضع ساعات . |
He played frequently with top players, including Gene Sarazen. | لعب بشكل متكرر مع كبار اللاعبين، بما في ذلك الجينات Sarazen. |
And we just played with the algebra for while. | ولقد تلاعبنا في الجبر قليلا |
They explored the keyboard. They played around with it. | كانا يستكشفان اللوحة. كانا يلهوان بها. |
I've played a lot of golf with your father. | ـ شكرا لك لقد لعبت جولف مع والدك من قبل |
I played with dice, I had a few drinks ... | لعبت بعض القمار, لذا تناولت بعض الشراب |
They also played majore , a game similar to the sport rugby, but played with a ball made of wood. | كما أنهم لعبوا ماجور ، لعبة تشبه رياضة الرجبي، لكنها تلعب بكرة مصنوعة من الخشب. |
Financial globalization, in particular, played havoc with the old rules. | ولقد لعبت العولمة المالية بصورة خاصة دورا تخريبيا مع القواعد القديمة. |
As they played with it, it exploded, killing them all. | كما ل عبوا م عه، إنفجر , ي ق تل هم ك لهم . |
Poker should not be played in a house with women. | اخرجوه ! لا يجب لعب البوكر بجوار النساء |
We played a game with them. It was good sport. | لعبنا معهم شوطا كانت رياضة جيدة |
I've played in back yards that were filled with garbage. | لعبت في الساحات الخلفية المليئة بالقمامة. |
Doc Holliday played poker with them. Maybe he heard something. | لعب الطبيب هوليداى البوكر معه ربما يكون سمع شيئا |
He played the entire scale of emotions with confident precision. | كان يلعب على وتر العاطفة بدقة وثقة |
You have played the prostitute also with the Assyrians, because you were insatiable yes, you have played the prostitute with them, and yet you weren't satisfied. | وزنيت مع بني اشور اذ كنت لم تشبعي فزنيت بهم ولم تشبعي ايضا. |
Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied. | وزنيت مع بني اشور اذ كنت لم تشبعي فزنيت بهم ولم تشبعي ايضا. |
The match was played on March 30, with Pakistan losing narrowly. | وفي الثلاثين من مارس انتهت المباراة بخسارة باكستان بفارق بسيط. |
Europe s finance ministers have played a clever game with the ECB. | لقد مارس وزراء مالية أوروبا لعبة بارعة مع البنك المركزي الأوروبي. |
Played with me, caring for me, he never complained about it. | لعب معي , اعتنى بي , ولم اعترض على ذلك . |
It seem like I've played a very dangerous game with her. | . لقد كنت أتصرف بطريقة خطيرة حقا |
I've played baccarat at Biarritz... and darts with the rural dean. | ولعبت الباكاراة فى ملهى بيارتز والتقيت بالعمداء الريفيون |
And that's why you played that game with Ann and Roger. | و لهذا أبتكرت هذه اللعبة مع أن و روجر |
You... you played with words to rob him of his eyes. | تلاعبت بالألفاظ حتى سلبته عينيه |
Our silver mine's all played out. Wasn't much to begin with. | قصة منجم الفضة الخاص بنا استهلكت لم تكن جيدة لنبدأ بها |
My old man played cards with him and some other guys. | رجلي العجوز كان يلعب لعبة الورق معه ورجال كبار السن آخرين |
The game with the Russians is played a little differently here. | اللعب مع الروس يختلف هنا |
Sami played. | لقد لعب سامي. |
Last Played | الم شغ لة مؤخرا |
Last played | الم شغ لة مؤخرا |
First Played | أول تشغيل When this track was first played |
Last Played | آخر تشغيل When this track was last played |
First Played | أول تشغيل The name of the file this track is stored in |
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