Translation of "he was asked" to Arabic language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Asked him, point blank, was he researching. Said he was. | سألته ، نقطة بيضاء ، وكان البحث. وقال انه كان. |
He asked me what was wrong. | سألني ما الخطب |
I asked him where he was going. | سألته إلى أين سيذهب. |
I asked him where he was going. | سألته إلى أي مكان هو ذاهب. |
He asked me whether I was busy. | سألني إذا كنت مشغولا . |
She asked him if he was happy. | سألته إن كان سعيدا. |
She asked him why he was crying. | س أ ل ته لماذا كان يبكي. |
She asked him why he was crying. | س أ ل ته لما كان يبكي. |
The Brahman asked him who he was. | سأله البراهمي منظمة الصحة العالمية وقال أنه. |
So the question that he asked was | فكان السؤال المطروح |
I was sort of invited. He asked me. | لقد تمت دعوتي، هو طلب مني ذلك |
She asked him why he was crying, but he didn't answer. | سألته لماذا كان يبكي، لكنه لم يجب. |
He didn't want the reward. All he asked for was 39.60. | لم يريد المكافأة كل ما طلبه 39.60 دولار |
It was your he courted, you he asked to marrying him. | لقد كنت انت من راودها,والتى صحبها الى السينما و العشاء و الرقص وحتى قد طلب منك ان تتزوجيه |
He was entitled to a soldier's death. He asked for that. | واستحق موت الجندية، بعدما سعى لذلك |
He asked us whether Quill was dead or not. We told him he was. | سال ان كان كويل قد مات ام لا أخبرن اه انه مات. |
He was very thirsty and asked for some water. | كان عطشانا جدا فطلب القليل من الماء. |
I asked why he was required to do that. | سألت لم كان عليه أن يقوم بذلك. |
All he asked was if I had a map. | .لم يسأل الا عن الخريطة |
While he was snitching, he asked for more food and easier work. | وخلال وشايته، طالب بمزيد من الطعام وعمل أسهل. |
When Jack Welch was CEO of General Electric, he was asked if he liked his job. | عندما سألوا جاك ويلش الرئيس التنفيذي لجنرال الكتريك ، إذا كان تعجبه وظيفته. |
And this Albert Einstein, dude, he was being interviewed in Berkley when he was asked if there was any question of which he still have doubts and the dude asked, he said, Since I was seven years old, | و هذا العالم أجريت معه مقابلة صحفية في بركلي حيث تم سؤاله ان كان يوجد سؤال مازال يريد ان يعرف اجابته |
When Johns asked why he was not stopping, he would change the subject. | عندما سألته جونز عن السبب قام بتغيير الموضوع. |
When one of them was asked why he did so, he said simply, | وحينما تم سؤال أحد الظباط لم فعلت ذلك، أجاب ببساطة |
But when I said he was away, he asked if he might speak to you. | ولكن عندما أخبرته أنه بالخارج طلب منى التحدث إليك |
When the governor had read it, he asked what province he was from. When he understood that he was from Cilicia, he said, | فلما قرأ الوالي الرسالة وسأل من اية ولاية هو ووجد انه من كيليكية |
He ( Pharaoh ) asked ' How was it then , with the former generations ' | قال فرعون فما بال حال القرون الأمم الأولى كقوم نوح وهود ولوط وصالح في عبادتهم الأوثان . |
He ( Pharaoh ) asked ' How was it then , with the former generations ' | قال فرعون لموسى فما شأن الأمم السابقة وما خبر القرون الماضية ، فقد سبقونا إلى الإنكار والكفر |
He asked why the centre's full capacity was not being used. | وتساءل لماذا لم تستخدم الطاقة الكاملة للمركز. |
Then he asked them what they thought was the ideal distribution. | ثم سألهم ما هو التوزيع المثالي في نظرهم |
He was on vacation, but I asked him to help me. | لقدكـانفي إجـازة، لكن ي طلبت منه مسـاعدتي |
Before he was hanged, my father asked to take a shower. | قبل أن يشنقوه أبى طلب أخذ حمام ساخن |
He asked if he cried. | إنه يسأل إن كان قد بكي . |
He asked you not to mention Miss Bertini's socalled death? I told you that at the beginning. He asked me not to say that he was there. | لم أذكر كلمة الطلاق مرة في وجه (بون)ـ |
He, leaning back, as he was, on Jesus' breast, asked him, Lord, who is it? | فاتكأ ذاك على صدر يسوع وقال له يا سيد من هو. |
He asked who it was, I told him, then he told me to go away. | لا يا سيدى, لقد سأل من الطارق, واخبرته, ثم طلب منى الذهاب بعيدا |
And when the governor had read the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when he understood that he was of Cilicia | فلما قرأ الوالي الرسالة وسأل من اية ولاية هو ووجد انه من كيليكية |
Then he was kind of troubled, and asked me for a compromise. | بعد ذلك، بدا مضطربا بعض الشيء و طلب آن نتوصل إلى حل وسط |
He was surprised and asked me, Do you travel by public transportation? | فإستغرب وسألني أتركب المواصلات |
They asked for their father. I said he was on a trip. | سألوا عن والدهم أخبرتهم بأنه مسافر |
He was teaching me how to shoot. I asked him to. Fritz? | . كان يعلمني كيفية التصويب طلبت منه ذلك |
One of the first prisoners he asked to see was Robert Stroud. | وأول سجين طلب مقابلته بعد توليه المنصبكان(روبرتستراود) |
He got what he asked for. | حصل على ما طلبه. |
However, when asked, he was unable to recall the date when he first undertook this task. | ومع ذلك، لم يتمكن من تذكر التاريخ الذي بدأ فيه القيام بهذه المهام عندما سئل عن ذلك. |
He indicates that when the hearing started, the examining magistrate asked him if he was represented. | ويشير الى أنه عند بدء التحقيق معه سأله قاضي التحقيق عما إذا كان له محام يمثله. |
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