Translation of "have it done" to Arabic language:
Dictionary English-Arabic
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
You know, the South Africans have done it, the Indonesians have done it, the Brazilians have done it. | تعلم، الجنوب أفريقيون قد قاموا بذلك الإندنوسيون قاموا بذلك البرازيليون قاموا بذلك |
And I could have done it anywhere. I could have done it here. | ثم سأكون بخير. وكان يمكن أن فعلت ذلك في أي مكان. ويمكنني أن فعلت ذلك هنا. |
See? They have done it. | رأيتم لقد فعلوها. |
Anybody could have done it. | كان بإمكان أي شخص أن يفعلها |
I must have done it. | كان يجب على فعل ذلك . |
Could he have done it? | هل كان بإمكانه فعل ذلك |
I shouldn't have done it. | ما كان يجب ان افعل ذلك |
You shouldn't have done it! | ما كان يجب أن تفعلوا ذلك! |
It is I who have done it. | أنا من قام بهذا |
We have never done it before. | لم يسبق لنا و أن قمنا بهذا من قبل. |
I would not have done it. | لما كنت فعلت ذلك |
What have you done with it? | ما الذي فعلته به | you have done it! | الآن لقد فعلت ذلك |
Someone else must have done it. | لابد ان هناك احد آخر قد اخذها |
What have you done about it? | ماذا فعلت حيال ذلك |
How could he have done it? | كيف فعل ذلك |
they should never have done it! | لا ينبغي أبدا أن فعلت ذلك! |
How would you have done it? | كيف كنت لتتعاملى معى انت |
Wouldn't they have done it anyway? | ألم يكونوا سيحرقونه فى كل الأحوال |
Lots of towns have done it. | الكثير من المدن فعلت ذلك . |
Have you any idea who might have done it? | هل لديك فكرة عن من هو القاتل |
Have you no idea who could have done it? | هل لديك أية فكرة عن من يكون قد فعلها |
You could have done it that way. | كان يمكنك أن تحلها بهذه الطريقة |
Tell him and have done with it. | اخبره ماذا فعلت بالمال |
I believe you'd have done it then. | أظنك كنت ستفعلي ذلك |
Eight cars! One would have done it. | واحدة فقط كان من الممكن ان تقتلك |
Well, what have you done with it? | وماذا فعلت بهم |
You shouldn't have done it. Why not? | شكرا لم يكن عليك ذلك |
It proves that Clary couldn't possibly have done it. | وقد أثبت ان كلارى لا يمكنه ابدا ان يكون قد فعلها |
And it seems you have done it extremely well. | و يبدو انك انهيته بطريقة جيدة للغاية |
Is it something I've said... or something I've done or should have done? | أهو بسبب شئ قلته أو شئ قد فعلته أو شئ كان لا بد أن أفعله |
Yeah totally! You should have done it sooner. | نعم تماما ! كان يجب عليك فعل هذا من قبل |
Now you could have done it other ways. | تستطيع حلها بطرق أخرى |
We should have done it three years ago. | كان علينا أن نقوم بذلك قبل ثلاث سنوات، |
We could have also just done it here. | يمكننا أيضا القيام به هنا. |
We could have also done it other way. | يمكننا ايضا ان نجده بطريقة اخرى |
It's you. It's you who have done it. | إنه أنت ، أنت من قام بذلك . |
Run me through and have done with it. | لن أخبرك بشئ أقتلنى و تخلص من الأمر |
Lots of people have done it without help. | العديد انقذوا انفسهم بدون مساعدة |
If she hadn't I'd have done it myself. | اذا لم تطلق النار كنت سأفعل أنا |
But it is what I would have done. | لكن هذا ما كنت سأفعله. |
You'll have done it all for nothing, Tony. | سيكون كل عملك ذهب إلى لا شيء يا توني |
Not that it wouldn't have done them good. | رغم ان هذا لن يجدى |
I could have done it. I was ready. | كان بأمكانى فعلها فقد كنت مستعدا |
Your face! What have they done to it? | وجهك ماذا فعلوا به |
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