Translation of "as they had" to Arabic language:
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
They had liberalized specific industries as they became internationally competitive. | وحررت الصناعات المختلفة كلما أصبحت تلك الصناعات قادرة على المنافسة على الصعيد الدولي. |
As recompense for all they had done . | جزاء مفعول له أو مصدر والعامل المقدر أي جعلنا لهم ما ذكر للجزاء أو جزيناهم بما كانوا يعملون . |
As recompense for all they had done . | ويطوف عليهم الغلمان بما يتخيرون من الفواكه ، وبلحم طير مم ا ترغب فيه نفوسهم . ولهم نساء ذوات عيون واسعة ، كأمثال اللؤلؤ المصون في أصدافه صفاء وجمالا جزاء لهم بما كانوا يعملون من الصالحات في الدنيا . |
It looked as if as if they had devoured him! | بدا الأمر و كأنهم و كأنهم قد التهموه |
But it had to go somewhere and they had responsibilities as citizens. | ولكن يجب التخلص منها في مكان ما وكان لديهم شعور بالمسؤولية كمواطنين. |
Same child mortality as Bangladesh had, 1990, though they had lower income. | نفس معدل وفيات الأطفال في بنغلادش سنة 1990 مع أن دخلهم أدنى. |
And they had 17 left over as profits. | وطبقا للأرقام التي أعلنت عنها هذه الشركات فقد أنفقت 14 من عائدات المبيعات على البحوث والتنمية، لكنها أنفقت ما يزيد على ضعف هذه النسبة (31 ) على التسويق والإدارة، ولم تتجاوز النسبة التي تبقت لها في هيئة أرباح 17 من عائدات المبيعات. |
But the toys didn't sell as quickly as they had expected | لكن الألعاب لم تكن تباع بالسرعة التي كان يتوقعها |
As they had run from the wave, and for their lives, absolutely everything they had, everything had to be left behind. | وهم يهربون من الأمواج، للنجاة بحياتهم، جميع ما يملكون، كان عليهم ترك كل شيء خلفهم. |
They had their super powerful technique, and they couldn't do as well. | هؤلاء الذين لديهم كل التقنيات العالية جدا والتي لم يستطيعوا معها الوصول الى ما وصل اليه فينمان |
They picked as much broken bone as they could that had lodged in my spinal cord. | التقطوا العظام المكسورة بقدر ما استطاعوا التي استقرت في الحبل الشوكي. |
So they had qualities that they came close to as close to reaching possibly their full potential as any players I ever had. | إذا كان لديهم ملكات أقتربوا جدا كانوا أقرب ما يكون لأفضل أداء لهم من أي لاعب قد مر بي. |
As though they had never dwelt in them now surely perdition overtook Madyan as had perished Samood . | كأن مخففة أي كأنهم لم يغنوا يقيموا فيها ألا ب عدا لمدين كما بعدت ثمود . |
As though they had never dwelt in them now surely perdition overtook Madyan as had perished Samood . | كأن لم يقيموا في ديارهم وقت ا من الأوقات . ألا ب عد ا لـ مدين إذ أهلكها الله وأخزاها كما ب ع دت ثمود ، فقد اشتركت هاتان القبيلتان في البعد والهلاك . |
And the Jews undertook to do as they had begun, and as Mordecai had written unto them | فقبل اليهود ما ابتدأوا يعملونه وما كتبه مردخاي اليهم. |
They were as children who had lost their faith. | آنذاك أصبح القوم كالأطفال الذين فقدوا إيمانهم |
If they had the same qualifications as men, they received the same income. | والنساء يتقاضين نفس دخل الرجال لو كانت لديهن نفس مؤهلاتهم. |
And in the cabin they kept you as prisoners of war because they had weapons and you had none. | و في الكوخ أبقوا عليكم ... كأسرى حرب لأن كان لديهم أسلحة ... و لم يكن لديكم |
As though they had not dwelt there . A far removal for Midian , even as Thamud had been removed afar ! | كأن مخففة أي كأنهم لم يغنوا يقيموا فيها ألا ب عدا لمدين كما بعدت ثمود . |
As though they had not dwelt there . A far removal for Midian , even as Thamud had been removed afar ! | كأن لم يقيموا في ديارهم وقت ا من الأوقات . ألا ب عد ا لـ مدين إذ أهلكها الله وأخزاها كما ب ع دت ثمود ، فقد اشتركت هاتان القبيلتان في البعد والهلاك . |
But they had not been sent as guardians over them . | قال تعالى وما أرسلوا أي الكفار عليهم على المؤمنين حافظين لهم أو لأعمالهم حتى يدروهم إلى مصالحهم . |
But they had not been sent as keepers over them ! | قال تعالى وما أرسلوا أي الكفار عليهم على المؤمنين حافظين لهم أو لأعمالهم حتى يدروهم إلى مصالحهم . |
They have had negative consequences across the borders as well. | فقد كان لهذه اﻵثار صداها السلبي عبر الحدود كذلك. |
They said to them just as Jesus had said, and they let them go. | فقالا لهم كما اوصى يسوع. فتركوهما. |
They went, found things as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover. | فانطلقا ووجدا كما قال لهما. فاعد ا الفصح |
Perhaps as they became more sedentary, they had more opportunities for other, ahem, pursuits. | ربما كذلك أصبحت أكثر غير محددة , كان لديهم المزيد من الفرص للآخرين , مهم ,الملاحقات. |
To that end, they founded an organization called GiveWell so that other donors would not have as hard a time extracting it as they had had. | وعلى هذا فقد اشتركا في تأسيس منظمة أطلقا عليها اسم GiveWell ، تهدف إلى مساعدة المتبرعين في الحصول على المعلومات دون الحاجة إلى تكبد كل العناء الذي تكبداه. |
The Jews accepted the custom that they had begun, as Mordecai had written to them | فقبل اليهود ما ابتدأوا يعملونه وما كتبه مردخاي اليهم. |
Moses saw all the work, and behold, they had done it as Yahweh had commanded, even so had they done it and Moses blessed them. | فنظر موسى جميع العمل واذا هم قد صنعوه كما امر الرب. هكذا صنعوا. فباركهم موسى |
Maybe they had a reason to they were probably all... just as much in the right as I am. | ربما كان لديهم مبرر لذلك، وهم على الأرجح يقفون موقف الحق مثلي |
For he had healed many, so that as many as had diseases pressed on him that they might touch him. | لانه كان قد شفى كثيرين حتى وقع عليه ليلمسه كل من فيه داء. |
For he had healed many insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him, as many as had plagues. | لانه كان قد شفى كثيرين حتى وقع عليه ليلمسه كل من فيه داء. |
Had they but found a refuge , or caverns , or a place to enter , they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways . | لو يجدون ملجأ يلجأون إليه أو مغارات سراديب أو م د خ لا موضعا يدخلونه ل و ل و ا إليه وهم يجمحون يسرعون في دخوله والانصراف عنكم إسراعا لا يرده شيء كالفرس الجموح . |
Had they but found a refuge , or caverns , or a place to enter , they surely had resorted thither swift as runaways . | لو يجد هؤلاء المنافقون مأمن ا وحصن ا يحفظهم ، أو كهف ا في جبل يؤويهم ، أو نفق ا في الأرض ينجيهم منكم ، لانصرفوا إليه وهم يسرعون . |
I had a teacher who would her children, she said they could swear all they wanted as long as they used Icelandic swearwords. | تقول كايزر كان عندي أستاذة كانت تخبر أولادها بأنهم يستطيعون السباب بقدر ما يريدون طالما أنهم يستخدمون اللغة الآيسلندية . |
And they said unto them even as Jesus had commanded and they let them go. | فقالا لهم كما اوصى يسوع. فتركوهما. |
They had food they had packed out. | كان لديهم طعام جلبوه معهم. |
And as usual, they had to buy nuclear power from France. | وكالعادة، توجب عليهم شراء طاقة نووية من فرنسا. |
They disputed with you concerning the truth after it had become clear , as if they were being driven towards death as they looked on . | يجادلونك في الحق القتال بعد ما تبي ن ظهر لهم كأنما ي ساقون إلى الموت وهم ينظرون إليه عيانا في كراهتهم له . |
They disputed with you concerning the truth after it had become clear , as if they were being driven towards death as they looked on . | يجادلك أيها النبي فريق من المؤمنين في القتال م ن بعد ما تبي ن لهم أن ذلك واقع ، كأنهم يساقون إلى الموت ، وهم ينظرون إليه ع يان ا . |
They had come into office on a mandate for economic as well as political change. | وقد تولت شؤون الإدارة على أساس ولاية التغيير الاقتصادي والسياسي. |
Wherever they went out, the hand of Yahweh was against them for evil, as Yahweh had spoken, and as Yahweh had sworn to them and they were very distressed. | حيثما خرجوا كانت يد الرب عليهم للشر كما تكلم الرب وكما اقسم الرب لهم. فضاق بهم الامر جدا. |
As a result, they had either stopped going to their classes or they were failing miserably. | وكنتيجة، توقفا عن الذهاب للمدرسة أو فشلا فشلا ذريعا |
And as for their appearances, they four had one likeness, as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel. | ومنظرهن شكل واحد للاربع. كانه كان بكرة وسط بكرة. |
He didn't receive as much money as he had hoped. But the family managed and they had plenty of food for Christmas | لم يحصل على القدر الذي يأمله من النقود. لكن الاسرة نجحت وكان لديهم الكثير من الأغذية لعيد الميلاد المجيد |
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